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Offers lots of versatility when it comes to designing a fully-customizable modular system, as the interchangeability and combinations of MPS panels is endless within the rack unit.

Can be offered in many different sizes such as 4MU, 8MU, 14MU, 16MU, 19MU, 28MU, and 35MU, and takes up 4RU of space
Introducing a new version of our popular 19” Rack Adapter – MPS-RACK1-SD
The Swing Down (-SD) 19” Rack Adapter has been designed so that after loosen-ing 2 captive knurled thumb screws, one on each side, the modular panel assembly can be swung forward and down to expose the rear of the panels to ease cable termination and future maintenance. Can be offered in the same sizes as "STANDARD MPS-RACK ADAPTER"

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